Don’t worry; this is still a family blog. I’m referring to a technique that my husband taught me to help you remember those fleeting thoughts…the ones that often get lost when your attention is pulled elsewhere, a phenomenon that is all too common when your primary occupation is Toddler Wrangler. He explained that when you have a thought you want to remember, take a moment and literally make a “hook” gesture with your finger. When you think back and remember making the motion, it usually prompts you to remember the thought. It works surprisingly well, especially when your significant other sees you do it and can ask “What was your hook about?” This is also a great way to get odd looks should you have this conversation in public.
I’ve recently found that this technique is helpful to keep your sanity and a positive perspective when parenting. The other day, while wielding my double stroller/grocery cart/child restraint device in the grocery checkout line, the bagger told me that my boys were the best-behaved children she had ever seen go through the line. Instead of brushing it off (because I knew the truth), I thanked her, and “hooked” that moment for a rainy day. It proved useful a few days later, when my angels succeeded in grabbing all of the travel sized pill bottles, and a nice selection of candy bars from the shelves while in another checkout line.
It’s a good reminder that your child’s behavior is bound to be a mixed bag, so cherish the shining moments, so you don’t join in their screams as you attempt to strap a bundle of angry toddler into their car seat.